Monday, February 9, 2009

Post #3 2/9/09 Trekies Assemble

Welcome Trekies. In general I am not really an avid Star Trek follower, I watch episodes rarely and was accustomed to seeing Captain Kirk. After watching Star Trek the New Generation, it was interesting to see the new characters especially the reading rainbow dude playing LaForge. The similarities between the "Drumhead" episode along with "The Crucible" were somewhat difficult to interpret. However, as the events began to unravel it became clear. The discreptincy about a sabateur brought so much fear that people began to question the fleet like the people of Salem did about the witch crisis. Just as it is stated in Captain Picard's quote, "Have we become so fearful, have we become so cowardly that we must extinguish a man because he carries the blood of a current enemy?"

Here's the link to other quotes from that episode

During the trial when Admiral sprouted with a burst of anger I almost freaked out. SOme people were so surprised that they left the room, like that security guy, before they could not control their emotions.

The Admiral seemed to be reminiscent to Danforth, the way he sees everything in black and white, and thinking that every suspicion is a guilty fault. Shes just one of those characters that make you go

did she really say that, or did she really just do that.

Let me hear your thoughts. Express yourselves.


  1. that one random guy that left the room made no sense to me neither! i had a hard time trying to relate the episode to The Crucible too, i had all the characters wrong in the beginning.
    i have to admit though, Star Trek is actually pretty cool!

  2. I really enjoyed this blog. It helped me further understand the connection between the "Drumhead" episode of STNG and the Crucible, which wasn't easy at first. Your blog was also hilarious, with those clips that explained the expression one would make when they saw the admiral do something. That was clever!


  3. Hello again Latiqua!

    I'm very thankful that you wrote this blog because I'm having a lot of difficulty relating STNG with "The Crucible" because I was unable to finish the episode. I agree with you that the Admiral did have a black and white view, as did Danforth.

    Your comparison with the people of the starship and those from Salem was very helpful. I understand what you mean when you say that the people's fear caused them to begin the chaos of the trials and the interrogations.

    As always, I enjoy your pictures!

    -Carefree Kid
